Most RV owners are not lucky enough to spend all of their time out on the road. Consequently, most of these individuals will need to put their RV in storage in between road trips. If you also require the use of RV storage, taking the time to properly prepare your vehicle for its time in storage will be an essential part of making sure you don't discover that your RV has been damaged during this time. Thankfully, the five tips outlined below can help you to make sure you are able to avoid damage while your RV is in storage. 

Tip #1: Be Sure To Remove All Food Products 

Any food products that are left behind in your RV can attract pests to your vehicle and can result in you returning to find your RV has become infested. That is why you should always remove all food products from your vehicle before placing it into storage even if these products have a long shelf life. 

Tip #2: Take The Time To Vacuum All Surfaces In Your RV

Even the smallest food crumbs can attract pests to your RV. This is why in addition to removing the food products from your RV, you will also want to take the time to carefully vacuum all of the surfaces inside your RV before placing it into storage 

Tip #3: Wash And Wax The Exterior Of Your RV

Dirt and debris that is allowed to sit on the exterior of your RV while it is in storage can potentially damage your paint. Consequently, it is always a good idea to thoroughly wash the exterior of your vehicle before placing it into storage. Taking the time to wax your RV as well will help to prevent new layers of debris from settling on the outside of your RV while it is in storage. 

Tip #4: Drain All Water From Your Plumbing System

This tip is especially important if you live in an area that experiences cold winters. This is because any water that is allowed to sit in your RV's plumbing system can potentially freeze and cause your pipes to burst. In addition to draining the water from your pipes and storage tanks, you may also want to add a small amount of antifreeze to the system in order to prevent any leftover moisture from freezing. 

Tip #5: Be Sure To Cover Tires If Using Outdoor RV Storage

If you plan on storing your RV in an outdoor storage facility, you will want to cover your tires using a tarp. This is very important since prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can weaken the rubber in your tires. While this damage is not easily seen upon visual inspection, it can cause you to experience a dangerous tire blowout the next time you take your RV out on the road. Simply taking the time to cover your tires can easily prevent this type of damage. 

For more information, visit an RV storage facility near you.
